Recent Trends in IoT : A review


  • Anshika Rawat Amity School of Engineering and Technology Lucknow, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Dr. Amit Pandey College of Informatics, Bule Hora University, Ethiopia



Internet of Things, Sensors, Machines


The first wave of the internet revolution came in with the growth of personal computers and in the second wave the internet came right onto our palms that is with the advent of mobile devices and here we are, living the third wave where all electronics devices are almost already connected to internet or will be in the near future. We are quickly going into another universe of computing and network. Machines with sensors and sensors catching information sending this data to distributed storage for additional and future use and this cycle in the area of science and innovation many are calling as "The Internet of Things". Machine to machine, machine to system, machine to condition, the Internet of everything, the web of clever things, sharp structure — call it as the need might arise, but it's going on, and its future open doors is enormous and huge. In this paper, we seek to highlight the concept of Internet of Things (IoT) in general, as well as reviewing the main challenges of the IoT environment by focusing on the recent research directions in this topic. Recently, IoT has emerged as a new technology that is used to express a modern wireless telecommunication network, and it can be defined as an intelligent and interoperability node interconnected in a dynamic global infrastructure network, also it seeks to implement the connectivity concept of anything from anywhere at any time. They range widely in use, size, energy capacity, and computation power. However, the integration of these smart things into the standard Internet introduces several security challenges because the majority of Internet technologies and communication protocols were not designed to support IoT.


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How to Cite

A. Rawat and A. Pandey, “Recent Trends in IoT : A review”, J. Manage. Serv. Sci., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1–12, Nov. 2022.




Review Article