A Comprehensive Survey on Machine Learning

Machine Learning, Regression, Classification, ClusteringAbstract
The objective of this briefing is to present an overview of the topic, machine learning techniques currently in use or in consideration at statistical agencies worldwide. It is important to know the main reason why real-world scenarios should start exploring the use of machine learning techniques, terminology, approach and about few popular libraries in python, what regression is, by completely throwing light on simple as well as multiple linear and non-linear regression models and their applications, classification techniques, various clustering techniques. The material presented in this paper is the result of a study based on different models and the study of various datasets (analysis and choice of the correct model are important). While Machine Learning involves concepts of automation, it requires human guidance. Machine Learning involves a high level of generalization to get a system that performs well on yet-unseen data instances. Topics like regression, classification, and clustering, the report covers the insight of various techniques and their applications.
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