Artificial Intelligence based Chatbot: A Case Study

Chatbot, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language ProcessingAbstract
This paper shows the implementation of an artificial intelligent chatterbot with human interaction. Our paper will now tap into the aspects of artificial intelligence because we are designing a smart chatbot and of course, using machine learning to do so and deep learning which is involving more in-depth concepts of artificial intelligence and tapping into the territory of unsupervised learning from data more with the help of neural net-works and more complicated models which help with studying better the unstructured or the unlabeled form of data. The name of our Chabot will be finance manager. It will interact with the user efficiently and come up with reasonable responses for their que-ries, we will also have a module to help people with their wellness in our chat bot apart from it just being a plain financial aspect talker for a more refined personal touch to our paper.
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