Security Issues in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, Models, Threats, CountermeasuresAbstract
Cloud computing has aided the evolution of IT by improving the ability and flexibility of data storage, as well as providing scalable computation and processing capabilities that match the dynamic data sets. Many corporate application programs have been transferred to public and hybrid clouds due to the multiple benefits of cloud computing. On the other hand, many businesses identify privacy and data security as major concerns that prevent them from adopting cloud computing. The only way to achieve successful cloud implementation is to improve and manage data security and privacy in the cloud. This research paper looks at data privacy and security in cloud computing at all stages of the data lifecycle, providing a general overview of the technology while highlighting important security difficulties and concerns that must be addressed. It also examines a number of existing solutions and gives recommendations for new ones that can improve data privacy and security in the cloud. Finally, future research on data privacy and security in cloud systems is discussed in the study report.
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