Utilising Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning Algorithms for Heart Disease Analysis and Prediction

Machine Learning, Statistical-based, Heart Disease Analysis, Heart Disease PredictionAbstract
As one of the most common and potentially fatal diseases in the world, heart disease must be detected early for proper treatment. With exploratory data analysis (EDA) and machine learning algorithms for predictive analysis, this research project seeks to thoroughly investigate the different aspects that contribute to heart disease. This will enable prompt diagnosis and risk mitigation. Numerous crucial features affecting the diagnosis of heart disease have been found through in-depth exploratory analysis of data. Among these features, the number of major arteries stained by fluoroscopy, the various forms of chest pain, the maximum heart rate reached, exercise-induced angina, the slope of the peak exercise ST segment, and the ST depression brought on by activity relative to rest stand out as most significant factors. Clinicians can learn a great deal about a patient's risk of developing heart disease by carefully examining these characteristics. In order to put this research's predictive component into practice, machine learning classifiers are built using the UCI heart disease dataset, which contains important variables pertaining to cardiac health. For comparison analysis, six different methods are used: Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boost (GB), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Logistic Regression (LR). After conducting a comprehensive analysis, it has been determined that the Random Forest classifier has the best accuracy rate, attaining a remarkable 85.25%.
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